Fixed APY
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APY represents the annual rate of return. This measures the actual rate of return on your principal by considering the impact of compound interest. In the case of EggPlus, your $EGGPLUS represents your principal and is compounded regularly on each rebase event (every 15 minutes), also known as the "era".
Your new principal amount is your current $EGGPLUS amount at that time, plus your new variable base token amount. This total amount is calculated for your next rebase award.
The power of compound interest - it is important to note that your balance will grow exponentially over time. Compound interest of 0.021447% / 15 minutes:
Example 1: if your balance is only 1 $EGGPLUS at the beginning of day 1, your balance will increase to 1832.94 $EGGPLUS after one year.
Example 2: if your balance is only $1,000 at the beginning of the first day, it will increase to $1,832,940 after a year.