Strategy Development

When formulating your own strategy, you should consider buying miners' commissions and selling mining tokens, as well as other functions:

1. Miners' tax

If you sell minertoken every day, it will not be a profitable strategy, because every time you sell minertoken, your number of miners will be reduced by 5%. Using the remines function, you will get a 5% bonus

2. Dynamic balance

The more users deposit or compound interest, the higher the daily income. The more users, the lower the daily income.

3. Inflation

The miner cost of egg 5x miner is a unique inflation model, which depends on the number of miners in the market and the balance in the smart contract, which means that the miner's price will decline over time, such as the ASICs of bitcoin mining. Therefore, you need to use the remines function to increase income or keep farm income within your acceptable range.

The daily return percentage is set at 5%, and the annualized rate of return is 1825%. Everyone's income depends on the user's strategy. Example 1: use the remines function to re cast for 3 times to obtain additional miners' rewards, and use the sell tokens function to sell minetoken for 1 time to earn usdt. Example 2: without using the remines function and selltokens once, I watched the balance increase to the amount of my investment.

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